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Kia ora

The new Court Theatre construction has begun

Top: First pour Bottom Left: Our new home’s land was blessed in November 2021 in a celebration led by a mana whenua on the site where the foundation is now poured. Bottom Right: Latest view from the webcam on the corner of The Crowne Plaza

The Court Theatre’s return to the heart of the city has hit a great milestone – we are officially out of the ground!

Contractors have poured the first concrete on the Colombo and Gloucester Street site. Court Theatre Chief Executive Barbara George says, “All of us at The Court Theatre are thrilled to see progress on site. Well done to all concerned.”.

The next step will be the main construction of buildings, with precast concrete panels, steel and large timber elements all forming part of the building core. Work on the superstructure will progress in phases, then the roof will be installed. Once the building is enclosed fit-out works can start.

When complete, the new three-storey building will include a 375-seat playhouse theatre, a 130-seat theatre, an education studio and a number of multipurpose spaces which will ensure a full range of theatre experiences are available for everybody.

We have had great success with our fundraising with so many fantastic people joining the APPLAUSE reaching $10.8 million of our now $12 million goal (yes, that’s moved from the $10 million target, we share some of the increased build costs).

Render image courtesy of Athfield Architects (NZ) and Haworth Tompkins (UK)

At the heart of our new home lies the largest theatre in our new building, an auditorium of some 375 seats over three levels, all designed with the audience in mind.

Render image courtesy of Athfield Architects (NZ) and Haworth Tompkins (UK)
It's time to TAKE YOUR SEAT

We are now moving to the next phase of fundraising. To help get it over the line we will are asking supporters to TAKE YOUR SEAT in the new theatre.

TAKE YOUR SEAT is a great way to join the act and show your support for The Court Theatre and for the artists who inspire you. Giving a donation of $1,500 (per seat, tax-deductible) is a special way to celebrate your love of theatre. In consideration of your generosity, a personalised bespoke plaque with your inscription will be affixed to your Court Theatre seats for ten years. This can by family name, in memorial of someone special or pseudonym – whatever appeals!

To reserve your seats online, click here and receive a donation receipt in moments. You can also return the form here to

Thank you for your support and for continuing to play your part in the rich history of The Court Theatre.

Upcoming Event – Save the Date

We will hold a celebration at Tūranga, overlooking the new theatre build in progress, on 28 April 2023 and invite you to TAKE YOUR SEAT. We hope you can join us, it would be lovely to see you there. Biddy Gin Cocktails will flow and it’ll be fun!

There will also be an announcement of new major supporters to the APPLAUSE at this auspicious evening.

Welcome Ella!

Helping us with this next phase of the APPLAUSE is Ella Bond. Ella joins as part of a partnership with the University of Canterbury on the PACE (Professional and Community Engagement) Programme to provide an internship opportunity for a student.

Ella is 26 years old and currently studying at the University of Canterbury working towards achieving a Master of Strategic Communication (which she should complete at the start of 2024).

For The Court Theatre, Ella’s role will be to support the APPLAUSE Campaign with a focus on the TAKE YOUR SEAT as her project.

A Huge Thanks!

Joining the APPLAUSE for the Court Theatre is a way to support of Christchurch’s ever-expanding cultural scene, and you are in great company. Below is a list of our supporters who have already set us well on the way to achieving our $12 million target.

We offer these supporters our gratitude in supporting our nimble and mighty Court Theatre’s return to creating theatre in the heart of our city.

APPLAUSE leadership gifts so far:

HERO: Ben Gough Family Foundation, Kaupapa Hiranga Tahua Lottery Significant Projects Fund, Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Rātā Foundation, Sir Robert and Barbara, Lady Stewart, The Court Foundation, The Friends of The Court Theatre, The Ravenscar Trust. .

LOVER: Catherine and David Boyer, Elizabeth Ball, Gabrielle Tasman and Ken Lawn, The Jones Family Trust (Murray and Sue Jones).

SAGE: Annie Bonifant and Richard Luisetti, Charlotte and Marcel Gray, Hall Cannon and Miles Refo, Robyn and the late Steve Richens, Ros and Philip Burdon.

CHORUS: Annabel and John Holland, Barbara George, Owen and Seb Novenski, Bea and Brian Stokes, Carla and Clark Martin, Fiona and Steven van der Pol, Jenny May and the late Julie King, Kaye and Neil McKenzie, Liz and Grant Lovell, Margaret Austin, Sandy and Clive Low, The Lees-Jeffries Family, Tina Duncan.

Other anonymous donors are also part of the APPLAUSE.

Until next time…

For more information on our progress and how to get involved contact our APPLAUSE Campaign Manager Carolyne Grant or read more here
The Court Theatre
Bernard Street
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand

Freephone: 0800 333 100 | Box Office: 963 0870
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