
Your Court Cues - but with a new look😍
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Welcome to the July issue of Court Cues,

Friends of the Court Theatre
are proud to offer this opportunity to visit one of New Zealand’s most beautiful gardens.

The wonderful Penny Zino has donated access to her beautiful Flaxmere Garden to raise funds towards the build of the new Court Theatre.

You may know her garden from the days of Art In The Garden. The garden is a 6-star Garden of International Significance, so is not something to be missed.

We are organising this fabulous garden party for:

Sunday, 20 November 2022
10am - 4pm
More details are to come but put this date in the diary now and gather up your friends.

Harry Potter fans of all ages, this is the spectacle for you! (Come dressed appropriately!)

As if by magic, Potted Potter condenses all seven of J.K. Rowling’s books into 70 gloriously goofy minutes. Two actors - Adam Brown and Tama Jarman - play all the characters that we die-hard Potterheads know so well.  

There is a massive collection of hats, wigs and other props hidden behind a wardrobe and one character frequently dashes behind it only to emerge around the other side as someone else.

There is lots of slapstick and physical humour, including a wrestling match between our good wizard and he-who-shall-not-be-named, with flashing stage lights and crashing sounds – but there is plenty of witty humour as well. There is even a game of Quidditch across the auditorium!

Potted Potter runs from 2 – 30 July 2022.

Friends, come and visit my local hall! It’s just 100 metres from my home, so call in for coffee!

Actually, you won’t need to travel out here to Ohoka; we will transport the Ohoka Hall onto the stage for you in August. Flagons and Foxtrots will have you in stitches as we slip back into the nostalgic days of the 1960s. Don’t miss it!

- Annie Bonifant, Chair

Hear the inside story about Flagons and Foxtrots from Ross Gumbley (one of the play’s writers and The Court Theatre’s Artistic Adviser) in an unforgettable forty-second video. Ross gives us a peak into the sizzling 60s story he’s set at the Ohoka Hall. Nearby neighbour, Friends’ Chair Annie Bonifant, has the hall keys and let Ross loose. Find out what’s in store for you at Flagons and Foxtrots.

Watch now:
Take forty seconds to get the inside story on Flagons and Foxtrots with Ross Gumbley.

Go on, you know you want to see more: Foxtrots and Flagons is running at The Court Theatre from 13 August – 17 September.

Winter can be dreary, but our winter lunch won’t be! Please join us this year for a Harry Potter-themed lunch and let your magical side shine!

Spells, witchery and wizardry will prevail, so come equipped with your best magic.

Be prepared to dine on the best food that wizards young and old enjoy, provided by Goblins & Tricksters – Purveyors of Fine Foods.

Our guest speaker will be a magical surprise.

Date - Wednesday, 10 August 2022
Time – 1 pm

The cost per head is $35.00.

As numbers are limited, please register early by emailing by 4 August 2022.

Once registered, payment can be made to 02-0816-0027388-000 by putting your name and β€˜Lunch’ in the Reference section.

The Court Theatre
Bernard Street
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand
Freephone: 0800 333 100 | Box Office: 963 0870
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